Sunday, June 05, 2005


Recent observations:

A conversation I overheard in North London today: Two women were discussing whether another woman would allow 'Tracey' to stay in her house (presumably on holiday or something). It ran as follows:

A: 'Sheila said she didnt know she could ave Tracey'
B: 'She said WHAT?'
A: 'She said she didnt know she could ave er'
B: 'What does that mean like?'
A: 'It means like that she doesnt want er in er house'
B: 'Ow does it mean that....she doesnt know she could have... oh I dunno'
A: 'I take it as like she ates Tracey's guts'

There followed an almighty shouting match. I retired to the next carriage to read my book. Later on a 20 something sat on the seat opposite me, chatting on his mobile phone. He was summing up his life as follows "I get bored stiff at work then come home and stare at the four walls".

Travelling by car with the Farewells is a most excellent experience. They seem to know what each other is thinking and can communicate in a strange etherial language which involves making words out of the last three letters in passing licence plates.

Tommorow I am going into london later for a lecture by a Circuit Judge. On Tuesday I have a rather crucial interview for the job I want next year.

The title of this post is taken from Dave O'Connor's debut album, which will be available shortly.


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